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Two Reasons Why You Might Want To Opt For An Elopement Wedding

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If you're engaged to someone, here are some reasons why it could be a good idea to elope.

You're both shy introverts

Couples who are shy and introverted often opt for elopement weddings. The reason for this is that, at a normal wedding, the couple who are getting married are, naturally, the centre of attention. They are gazed at, admired, hugged, chatted to and danced with endlessly, from the moment they start getting ready on the morning of their wedding to the moment they leave the venue together in the evening or even in the early hours of the next day. For extroverts who delight in lengthy social interactions and find a steady stream of conversation and affection to be hugely enjoyable, this can provide them with a beautiful wedding day.

However, if small talk wears you out, you don't enjoy being hugged a lot (even if it's by people who you love dearly) and you feel deeply uncomfortable when you're in the spotlight, and your partner feels the same way, then you might find that the aforementioned wedding description brings a cold sweat.

In this situation, an elopement wedding would be perfect. You could have a peaceful wedding, during which no one makes a big fuss over you or your partner, insists that you pose for dozens of photos or asks you to sit and talk to them for long periods. Instead, you can quietly get married, go out for some dinner by yourselves or with just a few loved ones and end the day feeling happy and relaxed, rather than over-stimulated and exhausted.

You would need to empty your savings accounts to pay for a standard wedding

Whilst some couples are lucky enough to have relatives who can pay for their weddings, not everyone is this fortunate. If, in order to afford a standard wedding, you and your partner might have to empty your savings accounts and the idea of doing this concerns you, then an elopement wedding could be a smart move.

The reason for this is that eloping usually eliminates most of the expenses that come with a standard wedding. You won't, for example, need to pay for the dinners of a hundred or more guests, nor will you need to buy balloons, candles and flowers for the venue. Likewise, whilst plenty of people dress up when they elope, you won't feel pressured to, for example, buy a $3,000 designer tux or dress just because the guests expect you to wear fancy wedding attire, and you can opt for a more casual and affordable outfit if you want to.

If you elope, you can also skip other expenses, like the rental of a limousine to take you to and from the church and the purchase of wedding favors and outfits for the bridesmaids and groomsmen. In short, you could get married and have a small but lovely wedding day without dipping too deeply into your savings accounts.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers an elopement wedding package.
